Hello Friends! I'm feeling a little under the weather tonight. So not my typical post.
I don't think I've ever posted any video or picture that wasn't my own, but last week I stumbled across this video. It was beautiful. It made me cry. It touched me, and it was in my opinion, such a beautiful reflection of God's love. I had wanted to share it and I thought, tonight would be a good time.
I hope you can take a few minutes to watch it, and perhaps there is someone else out there who might get a little stirring in their heart like I did.
Love you friends!
"Everyone who is called by My name, whom I
have created for My glory; I have formed
him, yes, I have made him.”
-Isaiah 43:7
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
When do we learn to hide? My sweet little Lucia is a mess when it comes to eating. No better, she likes to walk around while she eats, usually leaving a crumb trail behind her. Time and time again she is sent back to the table, usually by me scooping her up and placing my disgruntle little girl in her seat.
The other day during breakfast, while I wasn't looking she snuck away and found a nice little hiding spot to enjoy her yogurt and make whatever mess she could, in secret.
She cracks me up and I couldn't help but laugh and be a little proud of her effort. However, the event left me thinking. How is it that so young, we already know to hide the things we should not be doing. Is it in our human nature to cower and leave sin in a hidden place? Do we instinctively know right from wrong, but still often choose wrong, when it can be hidden? I know, I know...a lot of serious thoughts from my sweet baby girl's little yogurt hijinks.
Let me leave you with this,
"There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not
be made known. What you have
said in the dark will be heard in the daylight, and what you have whispered in
the ear in the inner rooms will be proclaimed from the roofs."
-Luke 12:2-3
No matter what I do to hide things, they are found out. And like I was able to know when Lucia was trying to hide something, even more easily does God see the things I am trying to hide. Thank goodness, for God's grace and love and for him continually scooping me back to where I need to be!
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
In the quiet moments, I can take them in.
In the quiet moments I can see them more clearly.
How pure, how lovely, how sweet they are.
Nothing distracting me from those little toes, their little voices, their little cuddles.
In those calm moments I realize how valuable my time with them is.
I realize how important I am to them and them me.
This gets lost sometimes, in the clutter of noise and busyness.
I am humbled by how loving God is to have given me these quiet moments.
I realize, I don't deserve them, not a bit, not an ounce, not a minute.
Yet, for some reason, his love for me surpasses anything I could ever do.
And I am grateful.
I am left in awe of quiet moments, longing for more.
Today's Reflection:
I think about how I need more quiet moments with God. How I need more time to take in his greatness, learn more about him and reinforce just how important he is to me. I am encouraged by this word today...
"He awakens Me morning by morning, He awakens my ear to
hear as the learned."
-Isaiah 50:4
Taking a larger view at the scripture, we find...
"The Lord God has
given Me the tongue of the
learned, that I should know how to
speak a word in season to him who
is weary. He awakens Me morning by
morning, he awakens My ear to hear as the learned. The Lord God has opened My
ear; and I was not
rebellious, nor did I turn
-Isaiah 50:4-5
When God gives us those quiet moments, when he speaks to us in those moments, calls us, wakes us, he teaches us in them, we learn his word and we are prepared for what lies ahead.
I want to spend those moments with God, I want him to "awaken" me!
I hope your weekend is off to a great start friends!
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Sick little Lucia.
Costco Lunches.
Overdue Library books.
Going a little stir-crazy.
Breaking out.
Basking in the sun.
Coffee breaks with Grandma.
True story.
All of these stories, written down and inserted in our book. All of these stories, worth remembering. She's under the weather, but my goodness she is cute and funny when she gets a little stir crazy. We needed to get out and how thankful we are that Grandma gave us an excuse to take a little walk. God comes in the true stories, he meets us daily and walks with us and livens up the true stories. He brightens days...runny noses and all.
"The Lord has done
great things for us, and we are filled with joy."
-Psalm 126:3
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Hello Friends! I'm out today...okay not really "out" but today I'm posting over at SacramentoParents.com. That's right! I'm stepping out today and sharing somewhere else! I'm really excited about the opportunity! Don't worry I'll be back tomorrow! But for today, check out what I'm doing over there! I'm not going to lie, I'm pretty nervous and could use a little encouragement.
So friends, check it out! And I am 88.6% sure that if you leave a comment it will make me look better (yes this is shameless begging) so please, please...leave a comment!
Love you friends! See you real soon!
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
God stirs. God stirs my heart in some of the most unexpected places.
Having lunch out with my son. His kids meal comes with a cookie. I strategically place the cookie out in the open where he can see and tell him, "No cookie until after you eat your lunch." He understands this. He knows how to play this game. We begin eating and talking and soon he is asking me..."am I eating good mommy?" Upon inspecting the halfway finished meal I reply, "Yes son very good!" His response is expected, "Can I have my cookie now?"
I know he didn't eat very much for breakfast. I know he won't be eating until much later. I know that he needs to eat much more to be satisfied and get what he needs. His eye however, is on the prize...the cookie! He doesn't want to eat a bite more than he has to, so he can quickly devour that sweet cookie taunting him in the middle of the table. He is not worried about later, or about feeling satisfied or nourished...he is after the cookie.
I laugh at my son and his eating strategy, eventually after a couple more "good" bites, I give him the cookie. Later that day I am left thinking about the strategy I have been pulling lately, with God.
I have strategically placed my devotional on "my seat," my portion of the couch that I go to every morning while the kids and I are waking up. I figured, I will fit God in during that first bit of morning. He will be the start of my day. So I read the chosen devotion, with the selected scripture for the day and then I ask..."is that good enough, God?" I believe that he, like I did with my son is happy with my progress. But I feel God stirring, he wants much more. He can give me much more, can't he? I am taking just enough, to say "good enough" and hope for my "cookie", but God wants to nourish me. He wants to satisfy, and fill me. He wants to prepare me for what lies ahead, so I will not be hungry later. Of course, he's happy that I'm "eating" a little, but he wants me to eat more. He has so much to give, much more than a little cookie!
"Jesus stood and said in a loud voice, “Let anyone who is thirsty come to
me and drink.""
-John 7:37
“If you knew the generosity of God and who I am, you would be asking me
for a drink, and I would give you fresh, living water.”
-John 4:10
"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for
righteousness, for they will be filled."
-Matthew 5:6
(These photos are pretty irrelevant to this post, but Henry put my glasses on the other morning...Classic!)
Have a great one friends!
Monday, February 18, 2013
I had a a fun little date with my little loves on Valentine's day. The 'Big' love, my forever Valentine was working...thus is life! The little love's however were more than happy to be mommy's valentine.
Henry got to pick the lunch spot for our date and he wisely chose Ikea. That's my boy! I think he knew that if we had lunch at Ikea, there would be a $1 ice cream cone involved in the end...and he was right! He also recommended we do a little shopping as well, which is how I know he is a boy who loves his mommy...
Eventually the 'Big' love came home with some pizza and ice cream and I got to finish the night up with a nice, warm, bubble bath! Although, in this case it wasn't for me!
Today's Reflection:
If I sow big love, I am hoping that I will reap big love. I try not to make Valentine's day about me. I am no martyr, I just know that my kids are in such a fresh and new position in life that love is what they need poured on them. If I sow big love onto them, my hope is that I will reap big love out of them. They will be children who know how much they are love and hopefully they will one day become adults who know how to love big!
sow much, reap much.
"He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will
also reap bountifully."
2 Corinthians 9:6
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
I know it's been a long time. Too long my friends. Nothing to worry about though, just long days...full days...days where priorities switch and I roll with the ever changing seasons of parenting. We are no longer spring chickens. We went to look at mini-vans the other day. Yes, mini-vans. We are in the mini-van season of our life. Long ago I abandoned the idea that I would be an SUV sporting soccer mom and submitted to the larger calling in my life...the mini-van calling. Steve and I welcome the room of said vehicle, I daydream about the automatic opening side doors, the 4 additional cup holders and the gusto that comes with owning a mini van. Yes, we are here.
Isn't it funny how, life can take you down roads you never really considered?
We are becoming a mini van family, we are park goers, we have sticky apple juice floors, toys under our couch, bags under our eyes, we are here...
Today's Reflection:
However unexpected it can be, I am happy to be in this mini van season. I am excited to see what comes next. I am thankful for the moments that come during this time. I'd like to stop and soak it all in and thank God, for giving me such a lovely season, however sticky the floors might be!
"Be cheerful no matter what; pray all the time; thank God no matter what happens.
This is the way God wants you who belong to Christ Jesus to live."
-1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (The Message)