You know, I just want to put it out there, that I am NOT a football fan. It can be boooring and I don't think I'll ever understand the rules. I couldn't throw a football or catch a football or probably even sell a football to a football team. Yet somehow, I have compromised my position on this and partake weekly in the whole football experience. I blame my dad. Well, I blame my dad and brother-in-law who somehow tricked the whole family to partake in fantasy football. So although, I am not a football fan, I am ridiculously competitive and a huge fan of smack talking. So now, at least twice a week (three times if there's a Thursday game.) I am actually interested in who wins the game, who is hurt and who is going off. I can tell you who I think the best Quarterbacks are and I even have a favorite kicker...hello Mason did that happen? So, I hate what's going on here, but I would for the record like to state that I really don't like football...I think.
We got together for my Nephew Levi's Birthday Party on Sunday and somehow even that got hijacked by football. I was excited to put my children in football jerseys and get myself a new 49er shirt, I even made Steve get a shirt in the 49ers colors. As we drove away from the store everything hit me and I couldn't help but ask my husband, what have I become?
Okay, so I'll admit there are things I like about football. I mean I may be biased, but are these not the cutest 49er fans or what?
there's always food...
despite our differences...
and maybe we have to play a few games of our own....
Okay, so maybe I do like football...I think.
Today's Reflection:
It's amazing how just involving us all in fantasy football, suddenly we are all enjoying football together. I can't help but notice how profound of an impact we can all have on each other. I mean I seriously wanted nothing to do with football, but once I knew it was something we would all do together I was in. I can't help but think how this can be translated into other areas. What if I decided, I will only speak positively and praise each member of my family, would that too catch on? What if I told them, I pray for you and meant it, how would that impact my family, how dramatic would it be if everyday we each took a moment to pray for each other and our needs...or just to say thank you for each other. And what a heritage we would leave to our children if we each decided together as a family, we will each whole heartily serve God. It amazes me the impact I can have on my family and they on me. Thank you Lord, for family, forgive me if I don't always make the positive impact I should, let me!
"Therefore encourage one another
and build each other up,
just as in fact you are doing."
-1 Thessalonians 5:11
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