Since my son started talking I have tried to make sure "Please" and "Thank You" were in his vocabulary. Lately he's been really getting into "Thank You" It's actually pretty cute and makes me laugh. He has been thanking me for things and then later when I'm not expecting it, out of nowhere he'll say "Mommy, thank you again for my _____." This morning he asked for cereal and after I served it for him he took a bite and said "Mommy, you put milk in here? Thank you for the milk" It made me laugh and I thought, did he think I wouldn't give him milk?
Suddenly God stirred in my heart...
My son was thankful, even for something expected like milk in his cereal. How often does God come through for me almost to a point where I just expect it. How often do I thank him for the expected things? Shamefully not enough. I get in such a routine of expecting God to not only give me 'cereal' but give me 'milk' too that I forget to thank him.
Thank you for not only the job my husband has but the paycheck that is more than enough for us each and every month!
Thank you not only for another great day but also for letting me wake up to experience it!
Thank you not only for my Husband but for getting him home safely to me everyday!
Thank you for not only my church but for each sermon that leaves me hungry for more!
Thank you not only for your word, but for the freedom to follow it openly!
Thank you for not only my children, but for how much I love them!
Thank you not only for a son, but for my son and the lessons he teaches me!
" So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness."
-Colossians 2:6-7
How often we forget to be thankful for the stuff we just assume is ours/need. I loved this post. Picturing a kiddo saying thank you is a pretty sweet thought. :) You're a great mama.