Sorry Friends, it's been one of those days where I don't feel like I have anything good to say...ever have those days? I hope you can understand. I thought I'd share a little bit of our Memorial Day. We took it slow, went for a bike ride...
Played in the park...
said hello to the cool water at the splash park...
took Henry and Lucia to an old fashion hamburger joint, where he was mesmerized by old arcade games and the jukebox...
and karaoked the night away, where we learned that Steve sings best with his hat turned backwards bringing out 'Karaoke Steve'...
and we start them young at the mic!
and that's about all I have to say about that.
Today's Reflection:
Ever need God to just step in? Not that things are bad or difficult, but sometimes, you just need a little rest. Today, my mind feels a little numb, perhaps it's laziness, perhaps it's a little burnt out or maybe it's just rebooting.
“My Presence will
go with you, and I will give you rest.”
-Exodus 33:14
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