Tuesday, June 12, 2012


We probably had a little too much fun last week. My son is fighting a bug and we're hoping that it runs it's course quickly and leaves us as quietly as it came. It's awful having a little one sick, as a parent there can be a feeling of helplessness but I know some of you have been praying for us. I can feel it and believe me it's been helping us get through this and I'm so grateful for your prayers and for God covering us right now.

Usually I'm not one of those "Is it Friday, yet?" people, but Friday and a healthy son would be nice right about now! Until then, I'll leave you on a happy note, pictures from last Friday and one of the best things in the world...Concert in the Park!
Lucia's first and she loved it!
and what's not to love? Not only did we get to hear some great music, we got to spend some time with a few of our favorite people...


Today's Reflections:
There are good times and not so good times. It's definitely easy to love God on those good days, on the 'Fridays' when everyone is cuddling and the music is playing and there's a perfect breeze. Lord, today on a day where we're battling something I want to praise you. I know you are here, I know you are listening and even though it's not a 'Friday' I can say thank you, you are good and you are the same loving God, 7 days a week!

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