Steve and I had a date night, a well overdue, much needed date night. I love that man. I don't want him to forget that.
Steve, I love you...please don't forget that!
I think we both are just so excited to be out by ourselves, that we never really think through what to do. We end up doing the things we normally can't do with two kids in tow. We linger in record stores, we eat sushi, we watch late night movies. We reminisce about when we were younger, we agree that we wouldn't change our lives now for anything. We dream, we plan and we take a little time to love.
Tody's Reflection:
“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love oneanother.”
-John 13:34-35
Sometimes I let "life" and the work and errands and junk get in the way and keep me unavailable to show him that love. I think back to the above scripture. We are asked to love like Jesus loved us. Jesus loved us above all things, including his own life.
Lord, I pray that you give me the wisdom to see when I am not giving my husband the kind of love he deserves and the kind of love you have shown me.