You know when you say your going to do something, but you don't. Then you finally do and your so happy you did? Yeah...we did that. Over the weekend Steve and I finally took the kids to Apple Hill. I realize that it was a bit misleading to Henry, who I imagine thought we were actually taking him to a giant apple that was a hill. However, he was not at all disappointed when we got there.
We usually have our whole posse in tow, my parents, my sister and her family, so it was nice to just take off with our little four. It's nice to get to focus in on my little loves. We let them run around, and drink hot chocolate and overload on apple sweetness!
Today's Reflection:
Lord, thank you for leading us here. Sometimes we don't always take time for each other, but thank you for not letting too much time pass before days like this. During seasons of busyness, keep us focused on you and each other. Thank you for days we can play together and laugh together. Thank you for days with ponds and hot chocolate, hugs and smiles. You are a good God!
"Trust God from
the bottom of your heart; don’t try
to figure out everything on your own. Listen for God’s voice in
everything you do, everywhere you go; he’s the
one who will keep you on track."
-Proverbs 3: 5-6
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