Today's reflection:
I came across this scripture in a study yesterday:
"Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom."
-Psalm 90:12 (NIV)
I also like how it is written this way:
"Oh! Teach us to live well! Teach us
to live wisely and well!"
-Psalm 90:12 (The Message)
I am always struggling on how to balance my time. Especially during the Holidays, it feels like we are torn between things. What do you say 'No' to, what do you let go of, to fit in all the extra stuff? I like this scripture reminding us that our days our numbered. I pray for God's wisdom on how I spend my time. Steve and I really tried to let go of a lot of things at the end of this year and focus on some of the people that are most important to us. This year I'd like to continue that. If my days are numbered, I want to make sure I am using them wisely, that they are spend for good and for love.
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