Tuesday, March 19, 2013


I know it's been a little quiet over here on the blog. I don't always know what to write or say. I am a mom, and most of the times my days are filled with, well, mom stuff. Things are not always as interesting, or time is not available to sit and write. I've been joking how even sneaking off to the bathroom by myself is impossible. Every bathroom trip becomes a family conference, I couldn't help it if I wanted, they find a way in. The other day I was so exhausted and hearing them wake up from their nap I had two options, suck it up and get them out of bed, or sit quietly, motionless hoping that they did not know, that I knew, that they were awake and wait it out until daddy got home.  I chose the latter, I refer to that as T-rexing it! With all of this, one could find themselves drowning. Sometimes I do, and I have to admit to myself and others that I need a break. However, sometimes I am able to see it all for what it is. And I become grateful, incredibly grateful. I am not drowning, I am full. I do not have a messy house, I have a home that is used and loved and an empty playing field for these imaginations. I write at the most random times of day and night. I sit when I can, and try to do it without guilt. I am not drowning, I am full. Full of the love and life God has so generously blessed me with. He fills my cup, with his love and all these wonderful moments. He is the creator and the writer, of moments that I cherish, moments like this...
And on days, when the 'mom stuff' piles up and those little feet chase me into the bathroom, I am in love, with his word and this lovely scripture and how poetic it is for my soul...
"Your beauty and love chase after me
every day of my life."
-Psalm 23:6


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