Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Should there be some formal greeting when I start these post? Sometimes I realize I just throw you in there, in the middle of a thought already in process. Should I say 'Hello'? I'm going to work on that....

Greetings and Salutations...

I've been thinking about my New Year Resolutions. I usually do the same thing every year, make a nice list of things, thinking '12 months...plenty of time!' and then by December 31st I'm asking Steve, 'Think we could tile a room this afternoon, and follow that with an intense guitar lesson, in which I will magically lose 15 pounds?' He usually isn't on board with that plan. So I guess in a way I can blame him for not accomplishing more...right?

I decided instead of looking at what I didn't accomplish, how about cutting myself a little slack and focusing on the resolutions that did happen.

1. I made a new friend - I actually think I can safely say I made a few. I didn't know how I would confirm this, but one of these new friends told me I could cross it off (thank you Jessica!). So there you go. I like this resolution so much I think I'll make it a yearly resolution. It's good for me to get in the habit of praying for my friends, long time friends, newer friends and friends to come! Plus it keeps me open to the idea that every person I encounter has the potential of becoming a friend. Nice right?

2. I started my Women's Bible Study back up - and I am reminded of a good lesson, I am not alone in my desire to have a deeper relationship with God! I am blessed that when I opened my home up and my heart, my girls were there!

3. I started a Prayer Board - and better yet, the hubs and I are actually getting better at  making sure we pray for the people and things on the prayer board! You can make a grocery list all you want, but you still have to go to the store to get the goods...catch my drift?
4. I had dates with my husband - although the goal to have at least one a month wasn't achieved, we tried and we are definitely getting better at realizing we need to take a break together. It's easy to forget that besides being 'Mommy' and 'Daddy' somewhere very deep down there 'Rena' and 'Steve-O' live and they want to hang out. Like for reals.
So I've yet to make a 2013 list...I've been thinking a lot about it, trying to include a couple I'll have fun accomplishing and also trying to listen to some resolutions God may have for me. Sometimes I cheat myself, by not putting anything 'too' tough on the list, sticking to the things I know will likely get done. You ever do that? While whining to my husband about how somethings just feel impossible to accomplish, he gave me a dose of reality...
" I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me"
-Philippians 4:13
I should not be relying on my own strength, when I am, things do feel impossible. When I let God in and rely on him, things suddenly take a turn, and I am reminded..."I can do all things"
Here's to doing things!!
And because I'd hate to leave you with only words, here are some glimpses at our Christmas Morning/Day, I never shared...
Keep on doing things friends...I'll catch you later!

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