Thursday, December 29, 2011


I'm back! I know, I know, I was just getting started with this blog when I decided to leave and take a Christmas break. Sometimes you just need to unplug, enjoy the time you have with family, take a nap, sit in your pajamas all day and just rest. I've heard there are moms out there that can bounce right back after a holiday, I am not one of those moms, I need a few days.  We are back into the swing of things now, already busy again. Today, we took Henry out for a little bit to break in his new beloved scooter.  Here is Henry and him taking on the scooter (he had already practiced inside)


 He fell once, sat for a moment, thought about what to do next and got right back up. I'm such a proud mommy! 

Today's reflection:

How many times have I failed or "fallen" and been too afraid to get back up? What's wrong with a little fall?  What's wrong with a little failure here and there? 

Lord, please give me the strength to get back up when I fall, to learn the lessons needed when I fail, Thank you for continually being there to help me when I fall!

"If the Lord delights in a man's way, he makes his steps firm; though he stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand."
-Psalm 37: 23-24


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