Friday, March 16, 2012


Okay Lucia, so here we are, 6 months! I want you to know that we celebrate every day you are here. Some days the celebrations aren't as grand and mommy has a pony tail and sweats and her I give-up slippers and the couch has a perfect dent of her butt, but every morning I get you out of your crib the party starts! You are still the sweetest thing and your little eyes when you smile melt my heart. I won't even get started on your dad, let's just say if there is ever anything you need, sugar, a pony, tuition to Harvard to get an art degree, just ask your dad! He is completely yours!

Here are some things I wanted to share with you about this month. First, and this is very new, as of yesterday, you can sit up! Of course we all still hover around you in case you fall, but look at you! Taking care of business!
Second, your brother cannot get enough of you! He cries for you when you're not around. He is always kissing you and wanting to help you sit up and get your toys. He would easily give you his favorite choo choo train if it would make you happy. He tells me "She's happy to see me," and he's right, because you always have a smile for your big brother!
Next, you've started eating solids, carrots, sweet potatoes and rice cereal. I never felt more connected to you then when I see you eat. The way you demand the spoon and pretty much try to feed yourself, mommy is a "let me do it" type of girl too! 
You love to talk and growl at us and you've begun to put together the word "Da-da" which I think if your daddy could cartwheel he would!

Lucia, I want you to know that I am not perfect, I might as well get that out there because soon enough you'll start to suspect. Every day I have to make choices and I am accountable for those choices. Some days I get it wrong, I mean some days I really get it wrong. Despite that, you still reach for me (me, your imperfect mommy!). You still cry when you think I've left and you smile the moment you know I see you. This is a wonderful gift and I think a glimpse into God's heart. There will be days when you may get it wrong, but God is still reaching out his arms to you. He doesn't want you to leave his sight and when you get a glimpse of him, I think he smiles!

Thank you, for everything you teach your imperfect mommy, you are a blessing to me and I love you beyond the moon and the stars and the heavens!

"His pleasure is not in the strength of the horse, nor his delight in the legs of the warrior; the LORD delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love"
-Psalm 147: 10-11

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